ÿØÿâ DNA

“I have access to money and my contacts reach to the king. Tell me, what business should I start?â€

Renowned Lawyer

Ideation & Positioning

DNA's Insight Activaor* guides investors towards the most suitable idea against their investment appetite.

We won’t necessarily promise a ‘disruptive, breakthrough’ idea...
However we will connect the investor to an initiative that most suits them financially and culturally,
ensuring sustainability & scalability.

Service Applicable For

  • Start-Ups

  • Investors

  • Business Diversification

  • Re-Branding / Positioning

  • Product (re) innovation

  • Capital Funds

Nothing is unpredictable: The science of what is coming next:

We identify global trends &opportunities by mapping big-data toidentify competitive activity& market gaps. A strong Brand is price and time resistant.We filter out top ideas with our pre-feasibilitymodel creating a unique positioning, the brand’s DNA. Via attitudinal segmentation we identifythe real prime prospect, and the triggers todrive them towards purchasing. BUSINESSINTELLEGENCE BUSINESSADVISORY MARKETRESEARCH